What is Traveling?

My dear Reader,

Social Media has completely changed how we see certain things and how we form our ideas about it.

And one such thing is Traveling.

Let me give you some Reality Checks about Traveling.

 1) Traveling is just not about reaching to a certain Place: Before booking your tickets just to anywhere, ask yourself why do you actually want to visit that place. What is the purpose of your visit. If you don't have any purpose then find one!

Bonus Tips :

a) Things to be excluded from your Purpose list : You want to visit, say "Place A", because its super-duper famous on Social Media and all your friends have already been there.

b) Things to be included in your Purpose list : You want to visit, say "Place A", because you have always dreamt of visiting that place. Whenever you hear about its name, you get goosebumps. You have always visualized yourself being in that place. You have read about that place whenever you can. You want to see that even if it's not super-duper famous.

c ) Its totally ok if your "always" have just started a couple of months ago.

2) Traveling it is not about taking selfies & pointless photos and dumping them on social media with a beautiful caption copied from Google:  Ofcourse we associate traveling with photography. Afterall holidays are for making memories. And nowadays we make memories by taking selfies every second and not by spending time with each other or atleast with ourselves! 

That's not what you call travelling my friend. Traveling means enjoying the journey more than the destination itself. It means to enjoy the vibe of the place. To actually feel the place with every breath you take. It mean to take a stroll in small lanes after dinner. It means to explore nearby places from your hotel on foot. It means eating local food the same way the locals eat. It means watching the sunsets.It means standing at a corner of a street and just observing how the city moves! It means to own the city as if you have lived there forever. And it certainly means not to use your social media and obviously not taking selfies!  

These are just very few points on what travelling means to me. Let me know what traveling means to you!

And don't let social media form your perception about anything!  

- Vallary Pathak